The purpose of this page is to show some examples to my students.
At first It was just for private lessons but after a while I thought that these solos were good enough to be shared. This doesn’t have to be on a social net work; Please respect that.
Here are 3 Bass solos.
It had been recorded at home, I’m in pyjamas 🙂 I’m using « Irealpro » as a playback. The sound is not fantastic but good enough to hear clearly what I’m doing. Also in full screen you will be able the see the fingering I’m using .
On purpose I don’t play the time at the end of the solos because swinging with Irealpro is no very convenient.. Next time I will use Drum genius or Band in a Box or a real person 🙂 Anyway this doesn’t have to be on a CD it’s just an exemple for students that are supposed to listen to the original version from the masters ..
The first one is a full form bass solo on a famous tune: Invitation©Kaper/Washington
For lazy people the Lead sheet is here 🙂
The second one is a full form bass solo plus a full form comping on a beautiful Biguine: MIchelle ©Alain Jean-Marie
For this one I’m joining the PDF lead sheet. It’s a west Indies style from Guadeloupe
The third one, is on a famous jazz form « What is this this called love / Subconscious lee/ Hot House
I’m using my Big French double bass « Nicolas Simoutre ». No pickup just a pair of mic in my bed room..
For lazy people lead sheet is here
Stay tuned more is coming 🙂